Saturday, May 9, 2009

10 Missions for this Weekends + 1 Day Off

Saturday, May 09, 2009, 13:30pm peaceful afternoon.
(Hippopo is in Good mood)

When i opened my eyes this morning, 1st thought in my mind is "yeah, Its holiday!!!" then i fall asleep again....when 2nd time i opened my eyes, its already 12 pm.....then i called JC to make sure he got no outing plan today and then i started write out the below mission for this 3 days (weekend + 1 day off), and hopefully i can complete the missions on this limited time :) So all, give me the STRENGTH !!!!!! (i need mushroom mushroom mushroom and flower!!)

Here are the missions, all are housekeeping work...(i',m a good housewife, who want to hire me? haha :))

  1. Wash the clothes (completed on 09/05)
  2. Wash the blanket (washing now) (Completed on 11/05 , 14:00pm)
  3. Clean & clear the wardrobe (Mission Failed)
  4. Clean & clear the dressig table (Completed on 10/05)
  5. Clean & clear both my cars (JC joined CARS car wash service, urmm.. thinking of register my car as second registered number, it is FREE, but of coz i need to share the cost) -(Settled 1 car and another one postpone to next week)
  6. Re-arrange the bookshelf (Mission Failed)
  7. Re-arrange all the CDs (Mission Failed)
  8. House-keeping my notebook and finish up the posting "confession of cla - part2"
  9. Wash the toilet (opss,maybe next time:) ) and lastly, (Mission Failed)
  10. Clean & clear MYSELF (Finish from head to toes scrubing and french nail polish, tonight gonna do the facial wash :))

Updated on 11/05/09 - 13:06pm ( still got a lot not yet complete, i need more mushroom and flower, flower, flower & flower)

Updated on 12/05/09 - 01:05am, at last i failed to do 4 missions (I need more holidays), but the weekends + 1 day off really enjoy & meaningful although just staying at home. I just love MYHOME...Cheers!!! back to reality and back to work tomorrow :(

(no pictures shown here (as my room & my cars really messy) :) :) )

Happy Holidays!!!


honeylemon said...

Haha.. I know you will not finish your task. (马后炮).

Cla said...

hahahaha...ya lor...too playful on holidays liao...always run outside n play...

Kit Keat Bar said...

wow wow wow... got missions one lo.. LOL.. i enjoyed my holiday very much last weekend :) not doing much of house chores but to relax and do the stuffs i liked. :)

soo said...

should just dun do anything !! hahhaa.. enjoy the holiday !!