Friday, February 27, 2009

Valentine's Day Outing

We have planned for visiting Spice Garden, Batu Ferringgi since last 2 yrs...Finally, we are able to make it on this Valentine Day..... :)

We reached there around 4.30pm and find out the garden close at 6.00pm..opss..I'm panic, and i need to go toilet (this is usual thing i need to do when I'm panic),anyhow I could not spoiled my valentine day without doing anything and just go back to sleep (although i like to sleep). .so, without twice consideration we entered the garden (as I really need toilet).

So happend the toilet is very far from the entrance and we cannot efford to wasting anymore time go to the toilet and come back to the starting I promised to JC, i want to be a professional model for that day. Anyhow,I still make my posture in very nice way in order for him to focus and capture a perfect angle (as you can see the picture at the center...i'm not acting cute actually, it is because I really need to go toilet).
Overall JC has really done a good job, and this is my best valentine's day poster..... Ta...dang...

2009 Valentine Poster

2008 Valentine Poster

2007 Valentine Poster

While we resting at the cafeteria, I've treated myself an ice-cream without notify my photographer.(but at last get caught by him, and no choice i've to shared the ice cream :( )


The time shown 6:20pm, we are the last pair leaving the garden (get kicked out from the gardener actually), and they shut the door immediately when we stepped out from the gate, and we still don't give up to look for some nice view outside the we are!!

I love Spice Garden !!

We've rewards ourselves Korean food located at Tanjong Bungah, see, I have a greatest smile among all the pictures as there are so many colourful dishes on the table...(1,2, 3 smile...I've done my job of the day and I'm approved to EAT NOW!!)

Really thanks JC for giving me this kinda sweet memories on valentine day... and little more request here is pls be more romantic for next year Valentine Day (book the table in advance), i don't need go every restaurant that we passed by and check whether there got a seat available...... :) :)

Cheers to JC & cheers to everyone!!! please visit if you wish to view more photos from this photographer.....


honeylemon said...

until now only post up!!
But anyhow, I can see your 幸福 face.
wish you happy all the time.

soo said...

hahaa... john not romantic enough !! kekek...

Cla said...

Thanks !!

yeah,i still rememeber hows da reaction of da receptionist in every restaurant dat we passed by...(she might thinking no one date me on dat day)...btw...i m enjoy on dat day.... cheers!!

soo said...

glad u enjoy it ! :)